To make Jesus and Mary known and Lovedlogo

Founded, Date/Place:  1818, Fourviere, Lyons, France

Founder:   St. Claudine Thevenet

Canonical Status:  Pontifical Right, 1847

Motto:  Praised Forever Be Jesus And Mary

Charism:  Essentially Apostolic

Spirituality: Christocentric And Marian, Influenced By The Doctrine Of St. Ignatius, Calledto Live By Father To Announce The Good News And Touched By The Miseries Of Our Time, To Communicate This Knowledge To All Especially The Poor And The Young.

Mission Statement: To Make Jesus And Mary Known And Loved By Means Of Christian Education To All Social Classes Especially The Young And The Poor.

Purpose: To Make Jesus And Mary Known And Loved

Location Of Generalate: Congregazione Delle Religiose Di Gesu- Maria, Via Nomentana, 235, Roma 00162, Italia.

Location Of Principal House In Nigeria: Religious Of Jesus And Mary, Formation House, Mount Carmel Road, Emaudo, Ekpoma, Edo State.

Regional Superior: : Sr. Linda Abicha

2, Moronfolu Street,
Akoka Baringa,
Lagos State.


Our Apostolate

31st July 1818; in Lyons, France by Claudine Thevenet. Because of its rapid missionary expansion, Pope Pius IX, as early as 1847, granted it approbation as a Congregation of Pontifical Right, having its own particular Constitution.

Claudine Thevenet, entirely given over to the action of the Spirit, filled with an intimate knowledge of the active goodness of God, was touched by the miseries of her time, had only one desire, to communicate this knowledge, one anguish to see abandoned to their misfortune those who did not know God. This charism she passed on to the members of the Congregation.

Claudine Thevenet, entirely given over to the action of the Spirit, filled with an intimate knowledge of the active goodness of God, was touched by the miseries of her time, had only one desire, to communicate this knowledge, one anguish to see abandoned to their misfortune those who did not know God. This charism she passed on to the members of the CongregationThe Spirituality of the Congregation is Christocentric and Marian, has its source in the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary – the characteristic virtues of whose love should, as in the case of Mother Foundress, permeate the spiritual life and animate the apostolic zeal of each religious. The Spirituality is centered on the Eucharist, gift of love and fruit of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. It has always been influenced by the doctrine of St. Ignatius.

Information About Foundress:
The Foundress of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary – St. Claudine Thevenet was born in Lyons, France on March 30th 1774. Her youth was profoundly influenced by the French Revolution, especially by the brutal execution of her two brothers which she herself witnessed.

Claudine was deeply touched by the miseries of her time, her greatest sorrow was, that anyone should live or die without knowing God. Like Claudine, the Jesus and Mary Sister offers her life joyfully to God so that others may have life.

The apostolic life of the Congregation is rooted in the mission which the Church received from Christ: “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation”. The aim of the Congregation is “to make Jesus and Mary known and loved” by means of Christian education in all social milieux, always safeguarding the preference which its Foundress had for the young and among them for the poor. It is by being attentive to the call of the Church and the needs of the world, and always ready to serve, in any country whatsoever, according to its own specific aim, that the Congregation proclaims and augments the missionary spirit which has characterised it from the very beginning

We are committed to Education at all levels and in all areas, Parish Work, Youth Work, Catechetics, Retreats, Missionary Work.

Arrival In Nigeria:
We arrived in Nigeria in October 1992, (took up residence in Akoka, Lagos in the Parish of St. Denis and started our mission in Our Lady of Fatima Nursery and Primary School in the Parish).

Contribution To The Church In Nigeria:
We are active in schools in Lagos and in Edo State, in all levels of education and in remedial and special needs education. We participate in all ancillary activities connected with education. We train Catechists in the Parish and in a Special Centre in Ekpoma, We also do Retreat work in the Centre and in parishes. We also participate in Spiritual Direction and Pastoral work in Parishes.

Other Houses In Nigeria Are:
We are committed to Education at all levels and in all areas, Parish Work, Youth Work, Catechetics, Retreats, Missionary Work..

  • Brother Roman Renewal Catechetical And Retreat Centre, Ekpoma, Edo State.
  • Religious Of Jesus And Mary, “Claudina”, 2, Moronfolu Street, Akoka, Lagos

Where We Are In The World:

France, Italy, Spain, England, Ireland, Germany

Africa: Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco

North America: United States, Canada,

South America And Caribbean: Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti.

Middle East: United States, Canada,Syria, Lebanon

Asia: India, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, East Timor

Location of Formation Houses

Postulancy For Nigerians:
Religious of Jesus and Mary Formation House, Mount Carmel Road, Emaudo, Ekpoma, Edo State.

Novitiate For African Delegation:
(comprising: Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea) Religieuses de Jesus-Marie, Simbock, Yaounde, Cameroon.

Sisters In Perpetual Vows

  1. Sr. Victoria Iheanacho
  2. Sr. Linda Abicha
  3. Sr. Marcellina Obi
  4. Sr. Franca Okoh
  5. Sr. Monica Willians
  6. Sr. Monica Willians
  1. Sr. Ursula Okpara
  2. Sr. Lilian Onyekwe
  3. Sr. Betty Ogbu
  4. Sr. Juliana Agunabu
  5. Sr. Flora Ikeketobi

Number Of Sisters In Temporary Vows – 10