1. Apostolic Nunciature

His Excellency Most Rev Antonio Guido Filipazzi
Papal Nuncio to Nigeria
Plot 3133, pope JohnPaul 11
Crescent, Maitama-Abuja
P. M. B 541
Phone: 07038815407, 08106439388
Email: na.nigeriaodiplomat.va

2. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria

Chariman of CBCN, Committee for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Most Rev. Wilfred Chikpa Anagbe, CMF
Bishop of the Catholic diocese of Makurdi
Bishop’s House,
P. O. Box 21, Makurdi,
Benue State
Phone: 080xxx

3. Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria

Rev. Fr. Zacharia Samjumi
Secretary General
Abuja Head Office
Plot 459, Cadastral Zone B2
Southern Parkway, Durumi 1
P. O. Box 6523, Abuja
Phone: 08058009016
Tel/Fax: 096706717
Email: zachariasamjumi@yahoo.com
website: wwwCBCN.org

Lagos Office
6, Force Road
P. O. Box 951
Website: www.CBN.org

Rev. Fr. Augustine Okochi
Deputy Secretary General
Director, Department of Pastoral Agents
Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria
Phone: 08136836928
Email: pastoralagentsdepartment@yahoo.com

4. Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria, CSMN (Men)

National Secretariat
P. O. Box 2823
Iva Valley, Enugu 400001
Enugu State
Email: cmsnigeria@yahoo.com

5. National President

Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Ikechukwu Kanu, OSA
Provincial Superior
Augustinian Fathers
State Low-cost, Rantya,
P. O. Box xxx
Jos, Plateau State.
Phone: 08036345466
Email: ikeemario_@yahoo.com

6. National Secretariat, CMSN (men)

Rev. Fr. Gregory Ezeokeke, CMF
Institute of Consecrated Life in Africa, Abuja
No 42
P. O. Box
FCT, Abuja, Nigeria
Phone: 09077214109
Email: Cmsn.mensecretariat@yahoo.com

7. Formator Association of Nigeria (FAN)

National President
Fr. Jonathan Gondo, VC
Phone: +234 8063348361

8. National Secretary

Rev. Fr. Patrick Akepe, MSP
Phone: 08023503748
Email: ebitoa@yahoo.com

9. Justice and Peace Initiative of Religious in Nigeria (JPI)

National Coordinator
Fr. Philip Kusimo, OCD
Phone: 08094250636, 08085072487
Email: ebenezerkudio@gmail.com

10. National Association of Religious Treasurer and Bursars (NARTAB)

National President
Rev. Fr. Chochos Kunav (Schoenstatt Fathers, Ibadan)
Phone: 08035858946
Email: joechochos@gmail.com

11. National Secretary, NARTAB

Sr. Zita Adigbe, OLA