Directory Introduction
The official directory of the Nigeria Conference of Women Religious (NCWR) is the result of a long and painstaking process that began in 2010. At that time the need to have a reliable resource material on all the Religious Institutes, that could be readily available to everyone in and outside Nigeria, was strongly felt. To address this need, considering the growing number of Religious Institutes in Nigeria, the National Secretariat of NCWR undertook the task of publishing for the first time, a directory for all Religious Institutes, and has continued to do so every four years. While the directory provides information about the female Religious Institutes, it also contains information about the different collaborators of the Conference. On February 22, 2014, the Conference celebrated her Golden jubilee. This was significantly marked with the second edition of the directory- the jubilee Edition.
The third edition of the directory is also published. This official directory of NCWR reveals the growing and maturing number of Religious Women and Religious Institutes. Evident in this directory is the information the directory contains on how much the Conference has grown and expanded over the past years from being a body of few Religious institutes into a very influential and formidable body for the work of evangelization and nation building. We have 52 Religious Institutes of pontifical Right, 12 Religious Institutes of Diocese Right and 4 Associate Members as well as, other growing Religious Institutes of Pontifical Right, 12 Religious Institutes already in the process of registering with the Conference. Contained in this directory is the name of the Founder/Foundress of each Religious Institutes, Motto, Charism, Mission Statement, Apostolate, Purpose, Superiors General’s contact addresses/numbers, a detailed names of the Perpetually Professed Sisters, numbers of Temporary Professed Sisters, and Necrology of each Religious Institute.
Furthermore, the directory will be highly informative to young people, particularly young girls who aspire to Religious Life in the Church, to help and guide them in their choice of Religious Institute that could best respond to their vocational aspirations. Presently there are 57 Religious Insitutes, 7 Monasteries and 4 Associate members officially recognised by the Church in Nigeria. These Religious Institutes not only respond to the needs of the Church, but they also greatly enrich, energise and cater for the needs of our society towards building meaningful spiritual life needed for better living. In addition, they respond to the needs of the universal Church in other parts of the world by sending some of their members as missionaries for the works of evangelisation.
The directory also contains information on the various projects of the Conference; Committees; list of various Church organisations for Consecrated Life; and collaborators of the Conference at different levels. This directory has been expanded as a way of educating the public with important information about the Religious Institutes and the Church in Nigeria. However, as a result of some factors, it was not possible to provide all the information that was intended for the directory will be greatly improved upon.
We thank all those who duly sent data in good time. We thank the National president of NCWR, Sisters Mary Agatha Osarenkhoe, EHJ, the Executive Council Members and the entire Major Superiors of the Conference foe their support and encouragement towards the production of the directory. Credit also goes to Sr. Stella Odigie, SSH, Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the Conference, who helped in collating and making calls to Religious Institutes for the submission of data. We acknowledge the effort of the publishing house-kingsley’s who worked tirelessly to collate much of the information and who did the final printing of the directory. Our appreciation also goes to those whose names are notmentioned here for contribution towards the production of the work.
During the process of collation of data, some Religious Institutes lost some of her members whose names were already in the draft of the directory, some names that reached us before the final printing were eventually removed from the directory. We condole with these Religious Institutes and pray for the peaceful repose of the souls of the deceased Sisters. May their souls rest in peace, Amen.
The National Secretariat of NCWR will appreciate all your constructive criticisms and corrections towards the future production of the NCWR directory. Our joy is to bring to your doorstep the Nigerian Conference of Women Religious and the Church.
Finally, we hope that all religious Institutes, every Consecrated person, Bishops and the entire Clergy, and the Lay Faithful will find this directory very resourceful and informative.
May the lord bless you with wisdom as you desire to know more about Religious Institutes and Church in Nigeria.
Stay blessed.
Sr. Patricia Nwamaka Nwafor, OP
National Executive Secretary, NCWR